The Casual Rapists
Joined Arm The Pit
May 8, 2013
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Hometown: San Jose, California
Genre: Punk
Record Label: Unsigned
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About Us

Hello, fellow people, my name is Alex. I am the singer for the Casual Rapists. I'd like to clear a few things up. First, I hate writing shit like this. I've had to do it many times before, and i will continue to do it many times after, as I will always stand up for myself and my fucked up way of thinking. Now, onto the real meat and potatoes of the situation. We do not condone rape, have never raped, will never rape, and will never watch someone rape. As someone said earlier, its just a band name, and yes, we do have a fuck you sense of humor, cause, honestly, have you seen the world out there lately? We also work very hard to make the music that we make, and, if anything, thats what we should be judged on. Also, if you check out our page, there is not one damned song on there about rape. Not ONE! We are a more socio-political band with a dark sense of humor, and if I ever did write a song about rape, it would be about some women raping a guy, just cause i would love to hear peoples complaints about that one. Our society is being raped, our minds are being raped, and, as an individual in the system, we are all casually raped everyday. End of rant. If you want to comment or complain, please feel free. But if all you have to offer is a simple as fucking arguement, ie "Rape Bad, Happy Good" then just keep that shit to yourself. Seriously

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