Old Major
Joined Arm The Pit
March 13, 2014
Hometown: Toronto, Canada
Genre: Rock
Record Label: Unsigned
Band Members
Mark Z- Guitar/Vocals
Joe P- Drums
Alex S- Bass/Backing Vocals
About Us

The truth is, Old Major didn't start so much as a band as it did an art project. The Toronto-based power-trio conceived both their first song and identity as a supplement to singer/guitarist Mark Zerenyi's final film assignment(a music video) while finishing art school in 2007. By 2010, they'd honed their sound with an initial catalogue of songs; heavy, rhythmic, and tight riff-rock, with progressive/stoner/oddball tendencies, laden with hooks, and laced with melodic pop sensibilities. Gigging rampantly, they quickly gained a reputation for their intense and energetic live shows. They are entirely a DIY outfit, producing both their self-titled debut(2011), and their sophomore record 'In Dog Years'(2013), along with music videos and promotion. Always changing, Old Major craves to challenge indifference- by simply being different.






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