Dangerous Doug Harper
Joined Arm The Pit
January 7, 2013
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Hometown: Nevada, Missouri
Genre: Folk
Record Label: Purple Shed Records
Band Members
Dangerous Doug Harper - Guitar/Vocals
About Us

Doug Harper lives in Nevada, Missouri, where he is a singer, songwriter, recording artist, musician, promoter, and often times spokesman in and for the local music scene. Often times Dangerous, as the locals like to call him, gives up his own opportunities to play shows, and gigs to help out the musicians and bands, as he says “I spend a lot of time building the music economy at home, and at the end of the day I try and make it better for all of the local musicians”. Dangerous Doug Harper is and probably will always be the most known musician in the Vernon County area primarily for his dedication, and attention to the artists, musicians, area bands, and the music that they create, but also for his years of impossible faith in the fact that, yes, something will happened because of the music in his home town Nevada, Missouri. Doug has a natural knack to be able to find a large amount of opportunity in such a small town, and prefers to play music at home more than on the road, even though it lacks the spark and interest locally, that is more easily obtained elsewhere. But as the world has it's wicked way on the music business Doug is forced to tour, and perform as a backing musician and travel to find the better paying work as he continues to strive to stay a full time musician. Doug always returns home after these tours he goes on and then performs live, or hosts music related events that average around one hundred and fifty times a year at home, and yet still makes time to have other related ventures such as the Local Ear Radio Show, a music writer for area music newspapers and magazines, A & R for a small independent record label, and so many more outlets. Doug said it like this on his Myspace page “I wear a lot of hats for the music biz, and if it has to do with music I have probably done it”. When Doug tours it is most often as the bass player for the Marci Mitchell band, or his own band the Hollywood Adventure. Around town he plays mostly solo gigs, and also does random musical jobs around town like hosting a weekly jam at Shooter's Bar and Grille, and even has been know to do some D.J. work as well as being the K.J. of a karaoke night (Shame on You Doug!) at the Boomer's Roadhouse on occasion. So with all of this experience and Doug has been recorded, produced and distributed on eight demo CD's, approx. twelve EP's and special product CD's including The Num Nutz Band EP that are known about anyways, then there are the other three compilation CD's his songs are included on, the five known of recording projects he recorded on with other artists, and the three singles that he recorded including the “I Found Myself a Monkey Song” that was distributed on a Guitar World CD-Rom disk in 2006. These numbers also do not include the four officially un-released projects that are currently pending: Hollywood Adventure, 41st Street, Zombie X-Terminator Soundtrack, Naked Acoustic Patio Party, and the full length Alien Rave CD. That is twenty-eight CD projects, three singles, and four un-released jewels. This all adds up to nearly 300,000 distributed units and is just over the equivalent of a silver record in the main stream music world. Wow! Seventeen years of playing and performing music! Over Two-thousand live performances including the cities: Nashville Tennessee, Kansas City Missouri, Hollywood California, Jackpot Nevada, Billings Montana, Metropolis Illinois, Tunica Mississippi, Lyons Georgia, Jackpot Wyoming, Ft. Collins Colorado, Marksville Louisiana, Deadwood SD, and more. Doug is now at his 20 year mark as a musician and hopes to do big things in the upcoming year.

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