Do you have a title for the upcoming cd?
As of this interview we do not have a name picked out, we're finishing up lyrics for the album, after that we will get a better idea on what to call the album.
Is this your first CD and if not, how will this one be different from the others?
This is our first album under the Vorzug name. We've put out several albums in previous bands. The biggest difference between those albums and this new one is the line-up we have in Vorzug is the best we've ever worked with, everyone is a heavy-hitter and we view this as a supergroup. We're making very good music right now.
Have you written all the songs or will you be writing them as you record?
For our single I AM IN HELL for the most part it is was done ahead of time but we did come up with a few things in studio. The album we're still fine tuning the music, and working on the lyrics but it will be written before we go in.
Walk us thru the process of writing your music?
Ivan (guitars) will play a few riffs and Dan (drums) will sort of play along to it and the two of them will go over different tempos and different ways to play it then we pick the one that feels most natural. At that point I'll give them my input on how I see the vocal structure going and if changes need to be made we do that. Our music is fairly raw so we don't spend too much time on the beginning stages, we play what feels right then make it suit our needs then move on to the next one. We record everything from the beginning riff to the final rough draft so we hear the entire progression for when we go back to complete it.
Where will you be recording and why?
Sound Vision Recording Studios in Mesa Arizona. It's the best studio in town, the owner/engineer Michael Beck knows our sound and knows how to capture it the way we envision it.
How are you paying for your recording?
Rock Rollain put on his halter top and boi shorts and got out on the corner. He's known back east as the king of the freeway queens.
Will you have a producer or will you self-produce? If so, what kind of input will the producer have. If your self-producing, why?
A bit of both, we self produce because we believe anything worth doing is worth doing right. We know what we want to sound like, if for any reason we don't live up to our goals it's no ones fault but our own. That being said we have complete trust in Michael Beck and list him as a co-producer on everything we do. He's a professional, his job is to know music and when he suggests something to us we listen.
Will you try to capture your "live sound" or are you going for something else?
We always try to capture our live sound, we try to keep it raw and not over produce anything.
Does your record label have any input into the music you'll be recording?
The only input Apollyon Entertainment had was to get them a #1 single. We did that.
When can we expect the CD to be available?
Without a doubt.
Where will we be able to pick up a copy?
More than 700 digital stores will carry the digital release, you can get a physical copy from other locations will be listed on our site as they are added.
Will you be touring to promote your CD?
We're currently booking the first 3-4 months of 2015 for touring.
Would rather be recording or playing live shows?
Both. We love it all.
Anything that you'd like to say to your fans while they wait for the album to come out?
You can pick up our single at our official site is you can follow us on twitter at vorzugoffical and you can find us on facebook at We're thankful for everyone that has bought the single so far and look forward to hearing more feedback from new fans. Add us on social media, talk with us, we love having conversations. Rock Rollain wears thong panties, we have some exciting shows coming up in 2015 so if you're in one of the areas we're going to be performing in make sure to come out, if you are interested in booking us, or doing a gig swap get a hold of us on facebook or at
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