What is the title of your CD? How did you come up with the name?
The new record is called Eschatology. Which means learning about the apocalypse. The name comes from the title song Eschatos. Rune wrote these really cool lyrics about this post apocalyptic society and how we as humans are bound to self-destruct. He needed a name for the song that would sum all of that up, so I was browsing around and found the world Eschatology, which we thought fitted perfectly. It can seem like a dark subject, the whole humanity going down, the end is near and so on. But it's not all like that, there are also songs about hope to find on the record.
Is this your first CD and if not, how is this one different from the others?
With our former lead singer Jeppe we released the EP "Wasting Time". We've released two singles with Rune early on, but this is our first long release. Whether this one an EP or a Short album is a question of definition.
Did you write all the songs before going into the studio or did you write them as you were recording?
We had everything written and rehearsed properly before going into the studio. We only had a weekend to do everything, and we we're recording it all by ourselves. So Sulo would be in the control room with his guitar hooked up, punch me in and then play along. Of course you cannot help but getting some extra ideas while in the studio, for dubs and so on. But the main structure of all the song had been set before entering the studio. Otherwise we'd never have made it in time.
Walk us thru the process of writing your music?
Sulo comes up with a riff. I follow on drums. Rune shouts. When the structure is there. We record it just to have the structure. Rune takes it back home. Listens comes back with awesome vocals.
Where did you record and why?
We rented this studio room in a rehearsal room building called MONO here in Aarhus. Mainly because we needed a room for drum recoding that was better that our rehearsal room, and because it was cheap. So as much as we've been able to do has been done by ourselves. Then there isn't anyone to blame but ourselves if it sounds shitty afterwards either.
HHow did you pay for your recording?
With a credit card. We tried searching some funds and so on but they all said no. So nothing left to do but bite the bullet and swipe the plastic. But as I said. Since we did everything by ourselves it got really cheap. So we don't have to prostitute us quite yet in order to pay the bills.
Did you have a producer or did you self-produce? If so, what kind of input did the producer have. If your self-produced, why?
Nope. Everything is self-made. We don't like anyone to tell us how our music should sound. It's of course nice to have some fresh ears. But a guy telling you "change this, I don't like that". Fuck him. It's a really weird way of earning your money. No one would ever go to a plastic surgeon and tell him "those titties you just made there, I don't like it. Do it again and then try putting them on her forehead instead". Producers only exists because of the musicians. Some would claim that for some bands it's the other way around. But one can ask himself what kind of eligibility does the band have then. We wouldn't be able to afford a producer either.
Did you try to capture your "live sound" or did you go for something else?
We tried making it as live as possible. But most of the songs we had to record in layers. Since there was so much we wanted to make sure got recorded properly. Guitars, dubs etc.
Did your record label have any input into the music you recorded?
Aint got one.
Are you pleased with the final product?
Most definitely. The guy who mixed it Quentinn Nicollet has really done a great job with the songs as well.
Where will we be able to pick up a copy?
Write us on Facebook if you want something physical. Otherwise you can got to
Will you be touring to promote your CD?
We certainly hope so. But since Sulo has moved back things have gotten a bit more complicated. But we really hope it's possible to get a tour put together in the fall.
Would rather be recording or playing live shows?
Live shows. We're live show whores.
Anything you would like to say to your fans?
Hope they'll give it a spin or 10. And if they like it remember to pass it on to your friends.
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